Next Generation a project of global hope

22 October, 2018
  -Next Generation

Next Generation bets on improving children future

Next Generation is a global program that develope people creative and productive potential to create healthy, happy environments with better opportunities. Our DNA is to inspire actions that fulfill dreams according to the needs and interests of each community in which we implement the program.

Social Statistics

“Countries have promised that by 2030, all children will be able to complete primary and secondary education. These new data show the hard work that lies ahead to achieve this goal,” said UNESCO Director- Irina Bokova[1].

In general, older youth (15-17 years) are four times more likely to be out of school than children between the ages of 6 and 11. This is partly because primary and lower secondary education is compulsory in almost all countries, while upper secondary education is not.

The UN Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals mentions that in terms of early childhood development and universal pre-school education by 2030 is to ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood care and development and pre-school education so that they are ready for primary school.

How does Next Generation help?

Education is a key to access to better opportunities, and we are committed to creating environments that enable access to knowledge in the following areas:

  • We create formal education and training programs based on the needs of each community.
  • We provide access to essential services helping to create cost savings in water collection and electricity generation.
  • We facilitate the development of skills to generate jobs and self-employment within the community.
  • We implement comprehensive physical, psychological and nutritional health services
  • We build, develop and improve housing conditions to offer a more dignified life.

This with the goal of generating individual projects in return for a happy childhood. Children living in vulnerable environments, put their future at risk.

Globally, children make up about half of the nearly 900 million people living on less than $1.90 a day. Their families struggle to provide them with the basic health care and the nutrition they need to get a good start in life[2].

Next Generation program has the purpose of benefiting thousands of communities in a state of vulnerability, through our professionals in child development, we are going to generate a change for future generations and guide them to a better world.

In Next Generation we are one family with one mission. Change children lives one day at a time.

[1] 263 million children and young people out of school. UNESCO. 2016.

[2] A fair chance for every child. UNICEF. 2016.

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