Educational Development in Next Generation Communities

5 November, 2018

In accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Objectives, objective 4: Quality Education mentions achieving an increase in global literacy. The goal of inclusive and quality education for all is based on the firm conviction that education is one of the most powerful and proven drivers for ensuring sustainable development. For this purpose, the goal seeks to ensure that all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary education by 2030.

For this reason, Next Generation is committed to ensuring that education is provided equally for all and with quality. However, we are aware of the challenge that represents achieving this goal. Our programs aimed at generating tools for the future.

In addition, we work educational plans and programs established by official public institutions. Consequently, this allows us to offer official educational certificates. Due to this, we provide documents with a curricular value that helps the future educational development of children.

Our 5 education axes:

For basic education training in communities, we focus on 5 axes:

  • Expand academic training that reinforces basic subjects
  • Promote personal and social development
  • New relevant content: Information and communication technology, promotion of innovation, creativity, and social responsibility
  • Strengthen skills through talent labs
  • Strengthen regional and local history

As a result, these axes allow us to make a diagnosis at the community level and provide the required educational needs.

For NextGeneration, every activity in the school is reinforced in the communities and attends to the needs that are lived in an integral way.

Therefore, the educational development of the communities served by Next Generation is not only based on basic programs. Psychological, sports and cultural issues are also attended.

Finally, the return to a happy childhood is done with curricular autonomy. We believe in the talent of our communities and we want to take care of their future.

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